A Safety Reminder: Stay Alert and Vigilant on What’s Happening Around You

Stay Alert and Vigilant on What's Happening Around You

Manchester health officials are spreading the word about a deadly lethal drug that is making its way around the Manchester area and possibly spread to other parts of the state. Manchester officials have reported that seven people have died of suspected drug overdoses in a two-day period in early February.
People should be on the lookout for anything that looks like brown powder, it was found at most overdose sites. Experts want to warn the public that the illicit drug supply in New Hampshire is very unpredictable. The synthetic opioid fentanyl is turning up in drugs like cocaine and being pressed into fake pills. Although it’s not clear what drug could have caused these overdoses, people should always be aware and vigilant about what’s around them.

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For more information on fentanyl visit: https://www.justthinktwice.gov/drugs/fentany

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