January 2023 Recap

Here's all of MYC's January happenings and what we did to start off the New Year!

The Monadnock Youth Coalition had a very busy month in January. The youth coalition began the month with developing a refusal skills workshop. Youth members, Bailey and Deepu implemented this workshop at Keene Middle School to two health classes. It was a great success and both classes were very receptive to the workshop. MYC plans on doing more workshops and partnering with more schools in the future.  

MYC also had its very successful Annual Report meeting where youth and adult members came together to celebrate all the accomplishments of MYC’s third year. 

The Monadnock Youth Coalition continued to volunteer at the Keene Community Kitchen where we helped serve 150 people. 

MYC continues to partner with the Y to put on fun free Teen Night Out’s. January’s TNO was a glow stick party where 150 teens attended.  

To end January and start February, MYC director Meghan Marcucci and Keene YMCA’s teen director, Sam Hill takes three MYC youth members, Bailey, Gabby, and Cadence to CADCA’s National Youth Leadership Forum in Washington D.C. The forum gives the youth opportunity to network, learn, and bring back knowledge and skills to our community in the prevention of youth substance misuse.  

MYC Director, Meghan Marcucci started prevention education this Month in Gathering Waters Charter School. She brought in the Natural High Campaign to 9th and 10th graders. The Natural High Campaign is an evidence-based program using storytelling that takes use of current scientific findings on youth behavior, brain development, social norming, and substance misuse prevention. When it comes to issues around substance misuse, kids and teens need to be engaged in a positive way. NHC is dedicated to bringing the power of positive example to young peoples lives by delivering stories that help youth find their own ‘natural highs’ and that give them the skills to live life well

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