Monadnock Youth Coalition helps you navigate resources for parents on how to talk about flavored e-cigs
The website called Fight Flavored E-cigs has a fantastic tool kit for parents that are looking to talk to their child about the dangers of e-cigarettes and tobacco.
- Written on: June 8, 2020
- Writen By: Meghan Marcucci
Visit Fight Flavored E-Cigs with this link
This link will take you right to the page that starts the toolkit and resources. The page is divided into these following categories: stories from the front lines, what parents need to know, tips on talking to your kids, and how you can help end the epidemic of teens vaping flavored e-cigs.
The first section hosts many personal stories from a variety of people. Teens, health workers, and principals all testify to their experiences with flavored e-cigarettes. The theme across many of the teens’ stories was that they had all, for the most part, started around their first year of high school. Many had been offered a ‘Juul’ or ‘Puffbar’ from a friend stating that it was “no big deal”. Phillip said that, “he never would have started if it had been tobacco flavored.” Brandon stated that, “trying to quit is an up and down battle, there is not much help out there.” Many of these testimonials have common themes running through them that quitting is more difficult than they had expected, they didn’t know they were addicted until it was affecting their daily activities, and that they didn’t see it as dangerous when they started.
The second section is a perfect place for parents to drop in and read a summary of what’s going on with teens and e-cigarettes. The article states that 1 in 4 high school students use e-cigarettes which led to the surgeon general declaring it as an epidemic. It notes that many of the products look like pens and flash drives which makes it super easy for teens to hide these devices and even use them during school. Flavored e-cigarettes are also hiding the fact that many of these devices have large amounts of nicotine in them which can be incredibly addicting; especially for a young developing brain. more information about the ban of flavored e-cigarettes visit:
The third and fourth section are also incredibly useful resources. The third section offers a variety of resources and sample letters that you can peruse at your leisure. It also offers social media graphics for those that want to take this to the places where teens are the most active. Lastly, there is a section devoted to starting a conversation with your child about e-cigarettes. This is perfect for people that might need some help facilitating this conversations, after all, it isn’t the easiest conversation to have. Don’t worry though, this resource will walk you through how to start the conversation and how to be open minded when discussing these important issues.
Want more information about vaping and the history behind it?
Want to make a plan to quit vaping?
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We hope you found this article helpful
If you have any questions, please reach out to Meghan Marcucci, the coalition coordinator of the Monadnock Youth Coalition at [email protected]. This article was based off the parent resource guide on the website:
Monadnock Youth Coalition hosts a youth group that runs every Thursday at 4pm. Currently these meetings are all being held over Zoom. This youth group discusses prevention of alcohol and tobacco use to ages 12-17. If you or your teen feel that this youth group would be a good fit for you, email Meghan at mmarcucci@keene-