How to use DITCHJUUL a texting service to help teens quit e-cigarettes
How to use DITCHJUUL: a texting service to help teens quit e-cigarettes
- Written on: June 10, 2020
- Writen By: Meghan Marcucci
The Monadnock Youth Coalition chose to investigate the program called DITCHJUUL as advertised for teens wanting to quit their JUUL or e-cigarette. This program is completely free except for data and messaging rates from your subscriber. To start all you have to do it text DITCHJUUL to the number 887-09. The first text that you get will look like this:
From there you enter your name and age and you’re off. You will receive message prompts that guide you through the program. Once you get started and have set a quit date you will receive daily messages. Our youth group noticed that the number actually texted a few times a day. However it wasn’t consistent across all of our testers. Some of our youth received instant and continuous messages, but for others the wait was longer and more spontaneous when they received a response of a tip. This inconsistency with some phones could present an issues for teens trying to quit their JUUL or e-cigarette.
Some of the tips received by one of our youth age 12 can be seen below:
Another youth member received texts that looked like this :
One of our favorite texts said “Treat yo’self.” What a fantastic reminder to teens that are already under so many pressures, that they need to celebrate the small successes. Quitting is a series of small steps and decisions not something that happens overnight or instantly.
Another resource to consider when recommending this number to teens looking to quit or help a friend is the website that created this texting service. The website is: This website has lots of helpful resources to show to teens or talkto teens about. About-truth This link will lead you straight to an informational page all about what The Truth is and why it was founded.
On top of these awesome resources here are some other website to check out that talk about quitting and the dangers of nicotine.
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This article was brought to you by the Monadnock Youth Coalition. This article was written by the Coalition Coordinator Meghan Marcucci. For questions or comments please reach out to Meghan at [email protected]
Monadnock Youth Coalition hosts a youth group that runs every Thursday at 4pm. Currently these meetings are all being held over Zoom. This youth group discusses prevention of alcohol and tobacco use to ages 12-17. If you or your teen feel that this youth group would be a good fit for you, email Meghan Marcucci at [email protected]